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ABOUT Thriving Sun

Kupukupu Fern
Kipuka Puaulu, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Thriving Sun is a regenerative outdoor program that facilitates transformational learning opportunities for youth and adults to deepen relationships with themselves and the natural world. At Thriving Sun we believe that the well-being of humanity is dependent on a deeper connection to the natural environment that nourishes us.
Our unique multidisciplinary approach is designed for explorers to gain the knowledge and skills to navigate change, deepen human-nature connections, and strengthen relationships within their own surroundings and community.
The name Thriving Sun was inspired by the principle that we can trust the sun will rise anew each day and with it a fresh opportunity for an awakening of consciousness that will ripple out into the world.
Thriving Sun's aim is to create a healthier, more reciprocal relationship between ourselves and our natural environments for the betterment of past, present, and future generations.
Our mission is to empower people to find a sense of well-being, wholeness, belonging, purpose, and inspiration by deeply reconnecting with nature and sharing through open reflective storytelling.

Next Generation
Kulanaokuaiki, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Hilo, Hawai`i
Restore & Re-Connect
Deepen Relationships between People and Place
Nurture & Increase Vitality of Life
Thriving Sun facilitates experiential programs to renew our connection with the natural world.
Through nature immersion, we enter into a thoughtful and meaningful relationship with a place.
By cultivating respect for ourselves and others we are responsible and competent visitors and community members of the lands that we inhabit.
We engage in earth-stewardship by restoring the mystery, power, and inherent value of nature.

Contact Us
Mon - Fri, 8:00am - 5:00pm
Hawaii-Aleutian Time
PO Box 6650
Hilo, HI 96720
CALL US: 808-747-1112
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